Ultra Low Young’s Modulus
Youngs Modulus (Modulus of Elasticity)
This chart illustrates the correlation between Young’s Modulus and tensile strength, highlighting the exceptional nature of GUMMETAL. Unlike other alloys, GUMMETAL defies conventional characteristics. Traditionally, metals with low Youngs Modulus are weak having little to no elasticity, while harder metals are much stronger but have high Young Modulus making them difficult to manipulate for orthodontic wires. However, GUMMETAL overturns this common belief as it is an entirely new alloy. Boasting boasting a remarkable combination of low Young's Modulus and high strength unseen in conventional materials. GUMMETAL is as soft as Magnesium or Aluminum, yet possesses the strength of steel, setting a new standard in material innovation. .
Key Characteristics comparison:
The chart displays the mechanical properties of alloys commonly utilized in orthodontics. GUMMETAL stands out with the lowest Young’s Modulus coupled with the highest tensile strength, signifying its unique combination of softness and strength. Notably, GUMMETAL is free from heavy metals such as Chromium, Nickel, and Vanadium, which are known triggers for metal allergies. This makes GUMMETAL an ideal choice for patients sensitive to these elements, ensuring both strength and biocompatibility in orthodontic applications.
Fatigue Test
GUMMETAL undergoes rigorous fatigue testing to ensure its reliability and durability in orthodontic applications.
This testing evaluates the material's ability to withstand repetitive stress and strain, ensuring less breakage in the patient's mouth.
For detailed instructions, please refer to Dr. Shin Hasegawa's book.
A Concept of
En Bloc Movement
of Teeth Using GUMMETAL Wire
Author: Dr. Hasegawa
The Concept of En Bloc Movement of Teeth Using GUMMETAL Wire" book presents a comprehensive guide to revolutionize orthodontic treatment techniques. Authored by leading experts in the field, it explores innovative approaches to dental alignment through the utilization of GUMMETAL wire. This essential resource provides step-by-step instructions and case studies, empowering orthodontists to achieve superior results in dental realignment.